More Ellsworth, Iowa in the 1940s - Page 4C


1942 - World War II

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A front page article in the Ellsworth News on January 7, 1942:

Male citizens between ages of 20 and 44 to register February 16

President Roosevelt has set Monday, February 16, for registration of all male citizens and most aliens of the nation between the ages of 20 and 44 who have not registered previously. Men of this age group will be subjest to military service. 

The date was fixed in a proclamation. It made no mention of registration of men from 45 through 64 who are to be registered later on, but who will be exempt from service with the armed forces under present legislation.

Two front page articles in the Ellsworth News on August 12, 1942:

Sugar ration books of service men and deceased persons to be turned in

War Ration books of men entering the service must be turned in to the ration board within ten days after men report for duty.   In most cased, this rule has been adhered to locally, and all are cautioned to keelp this in mind for future reference.

Books may be turned in to the sub-board and will be sent to the local board at Webster City.   Another reminder has been issued by the local rationing board in reference to the accurated record each housewife is supposed to keep of canning done with the sugar which has been issued her.   A report will have to be made next spring as to just how the sugar was used.

If housewives don't have the number of quarts canned by October 31 which they designated, they will be required to make a report to the local board as to the exact number of quarts canned.

Sugar ration dates at Ellsworth are as follows:

today at 7:30 PM,  Thursday at 8 PM,  Saturday afternoon at 2, and Saturday evening at 7:30.   All sugar applications should be in this week.

Parade, Auction, Attractions and Bands

Monday will be the big "War Day" celebration at the county fairgrounds in Webster City.  This is an all-county celebration but on by the County War Council to raide funds to pay the cost of the "sendoffs" accorded to all inducted service men when they leave for service in the armed forces of the United States.

The big day, Monday, August 17, will start off with a mammoth parade down Second street in Webster City.   At least eleven wonderful floats will be in the parade, and plenty of smaller ones.   There will be a number of bands in the parade, including the Training School band from Eldora and the Sootties band from Boone.   The parade will start one block west of the Willson hotel.

Home Guards To March

The Eldora band, the Boone Scotties and the Webster City Home Guards will march and maneuver in front of the grandstand preceding t h e acts both afternoon and evening.   The acts will be outstanding, and well worth seeing.

Auctioning of Goods

An auction of donated merchandise and farm goods will be held duriing the day, starting immediately after the parade, and will be preceded by the first $100 drawing. The auction will be held under the trees just north of the grandstand.  Businessmen from all the towns in the county are donating goods for this auction.

Committees in charge of securing the donated merchandise, from this part of the county, are as follows: Ellsworth - Carroll Kuhfus, Randall - Lloyd Okland, Stanhope - Merlin Dick.   All articles can be brought in to these men, and they will see that they get to Webster City.

There'll Even Be Hay

Among the unusual articles listed at present is a hog donatedby a bankof the county. Two farmers have each donated twenty-five bales of hay. Nearly every business house has donated one or more articles, and more articles will be given before Monday. Many businessmen who are not donating goods are contributing various sums of cash to assist in this meritorious war effort. Julius Bermann of Webster City will have charge of the auction.

All Help Donated

All help and labor for this big day is being donated by every person taking part, and you will do your part by buying tickets and attending the celebration.    Remember the date - Monday, August 17, at the fair grounds in Webster City.


1942 - Kenneth P. Appelgate


Kenneth Applegate
College Station, Texas

Dear Joy (editor of the Ellsworth News);

Although I don't know you real well, and you probably know less about me, I feel that I should write to you and put in a word about the Marines, or rather, represent them.

You have had lots of letters in your paper from the Army, Navy, and cadets, but none from a Marine as far as I've noticed, and very few copies I miss or very few articles I miss reading.  So will put in my two cents worth (or however much the Marines are worth.)

I've been in the Marines since last April, and still receiving specialized training.  I've been here at A & M since the first of August taking up a course in communications as a radio operator.  I am practically through here; in fact, just two and a half days left, as I through on Dec. 24.

I'm anxious to put to use what I've learned here, which has been a great deal.  I'll never be the same to my old friends as I was before I came, as one has to be "wacky" or "crazy" to master the code at a reasonably fast speed - which is what I have done!

Texas is a nice state (although I think we should get paid for foreign duty), but it doesn't have much that good old Iowa doesn't have.

In fact, I think it has less, 'cause they don't have snow at Christmas, which seems quite necessary in my opinion.  Instead, they have the custom of shooting fire crackers, which in turn, got us Marines into "hot water" as some of the fellows would bring them into the dormitory and fire them.  About that time the top-sergeant stopped the fun.   However, a large firecracker did make a lot of noise when touched off in a room under someone's bed, who was in deep slumber.

All in all, most of the fellows take their task pretty serious and want to get this thing over with.

I receive lots of letters and of course, write a lot, but am always glad to get them.  I only wish I was as fortunate as a lot of my Army and sailor friends when it comes to getting furloughs.

I must close now, and hope to see all of you soon as circumstances permit.

Pfc. Kenneth P. Appelgate

1942 - Blackout Monday Night

One long blast of the fire whistle just before 10 o'clock will announce the beginning of the blackout.

This includes house and store lights, automobiles, flashlights, cigars and cigarettes - all lights.   At 10:20 o'clock, several short blasts will announce the end of the blackout.

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The blackout set for Monday, December 14, is planned for 10 to 10:20 PM central war time.   The county civilian defense committee will soon issue definite plans and arrangements for Hamilton county.   The statistical and record division of the department of public safety, however, has issued instructions of what to do if driving a car when the air raid alarm sounds.


1942 - Donald Shade


Donald Shade
A.E.F. in Northern Ireland, March 29, 1942

Dear folks,

Received your letter of Feb. 28 today.  Letters are most welcome these days.  Haven't received the package yet Red Groves got two chickens from home today.  They were green.

The fishing is good here.  There are salmon, white trout, brown trout, eel, speckled trout and flounder. I haven't been out yet, but am going soon.  War or no war, I'm still going fishing.  The streams are clear and fast which should make good angling.  Some of the boys get a wild goose now and then. However, the major put a stop to that.  He figures they need the ... 

Jack and Leo got the Ellsworth News today.  It is really a treat to get a Americn newspaper.  You can tell Joy Hanson that his paper is bigger than the London paper - it has only four pages now. The largest one is the Empire News.

We are all wondering who won the state basketball tournament.  For all we know, Rose Grove might have won it.  For entertainment here, the boys play poker, blackjack, checkers and bridge.  Obe and I get into some terrible checker duels.

I am enclosing a picture from one of the large newspapers here.  Shaffer of Fort Dodge and I are the only two you would know.  There are so many interesting things that we see and do, but can not write about.

I am in the best of health and spirits.  Am having the time of my life getting accustomed to some odd people with odder habits.  I have never seen such pink complexions.  People look like they have just scrubbed themselves with a stiff brush and strong soap.

At present, I am Battalion Supply Sergeant, but I don't know how permanent it will be.  Everything is rationed here.  We get plenty to eat.   All the boys from Ellsworth are here, also George Boeke from Hubbard.

Sgt. Donald M. Shade, Co E, 133rd Inf.

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     Says the department of public safety in a bulletin received by Sheriff  E. R. Lear; "During the period of an air raid alarm (actual or drill) either in daytime or nighttime, all vehicles other than emergency (such as fire, police, state police, sheriff's, highway patrol, utilities, ambulances, staff cars and the U.S. Army) must stop and pull to the curb, putting out all car lights.  Passengers may remain in their cars unless in downtown area where shelters are available.  Drivers and passengers must not smoke during such time.  Until such time as blackout driving lenses can be provided, it is necessary to impose during test blackouts certain restrictions such as speed limit of not to exceed 15 miles per hour, vehicles being operated either with parking...."

(from "The Ellsworth News" December 14, 1942)


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